Randy Hinchliffe
City Administrator, Clerk, Treasurer
email: administrator@
phone: 509-337-6371
Jim Lynch
Public Works Director
phone: 509-337-6371
Public Works Specialist I
Kyle Gradwohl
Public Works Specialist II
Tyler Stevenson
Public Works Specialist II
Jeremy Elsey
Public Works Specialist II
Martin Dunn, Mayor
Kevin House, Mayor Pro Tem
Personnel, Infrastructure & Budget and Fairgrounds
Court Ruppenthal, Council Member
Community Recreation and Remembrance, Community Health and Protection
Park and Rec District Liaison
Jillian Henze, Council Member
Community Rec & Remembrance Planning Commission Liaison
Jennifer Bishop, Council Member
Library Board Liaison
Jim Romine, Council Member
COMMITEE ASSIGNMENTS: Community Health & Protection Infrastructure & Budget, Fairgrounds
Fire District Liaison
The City Council is the legislative governing body for the City. They meet the third Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the new Waitsburg City Hall at 106 Main Street. They set policies and adopt ordinances and the annual budget; they levy taxes and approve contracts; and they appoint city advisory boards, commissions and committees, as well as the City Administrator and City Attorney. City Council members serve one-year terms.
Waitsburg previously held a yearly election that takes place the first Monday in April. Through City Council Resolution 2020-698, 2020 marked the last year the City will administer an annual election. For 2021 Election Cycle, the City Council election will move to the Walla Walla County Election Department with the new election dictating the staggered terms of 2 and 4 years, in accordance with general election laws as outlined in RCW 29A and 35.30. While the Territorial Charter outlines the Annual Election Process, state law allows the City to change when it is in the City’s best interest to do. In many cases, the City has formally adopted many of the RCWs, but in other instances the City has the ability to pick and choose which of them to adopt.
The City is regularly looking for people to serve on various committees, so if you'd like to serve in a different position, fill out the General Position Application to City Council and return to City Hall.
City Council AgendA:
03/19/2025 Special City Council Meeting
City Council
Topic: Waitsburg City Council Meeting
City of Waitsburg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: City Council
Time: March 19, 2025 7:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 714 5189
Passcode: 431987
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Meeting ID: 966 714 5189
Click on links below to view or print in .pdf format. If you need minutes for meetings prior to 2020, please contact City Hall.
Jan 17 Feb 21 March 27 April 17 May 15 June 13 July 17 August 21 Sept 18 Sept 30 Oct 16 Nov 20 Dec 18
Jan 18 Feb 15 March 8 March 15 May 1 June 21 July 19 August 16 Sept 20 Oct 18 Nov 15 Dec 20
Jan 19 Feb 16 March 23 April 20 May 18 June 15 July 20 August 17 Sept 21 Oct 13 Oct 19 Nov 16 Dec 21
Jan 20 Feb 17 March 17 April 21 May 19 June 16 July 21 August 18 Sept15 Oct 5 Oct 20 Nov 17 Dec 15
Jan 15 Feb 11 Special meeting Feb 19 March 18 April 15 May 20 June 24 July 15 August 13 Sept 15 Oct 21 Nov 18 Dec 16
The Planning Commission meets the second Friday of every month at 10 a.m. at Waitsburg City Hall. Packet can be access by clinking the link below.
The Planning Commission is made up of five members and is governed by Chapter 3 of Title 2 of the Waitsburg Municipal Code. Current Planning Commission members are Chairperson Karen Gregutt, Matt Bertucci, Becky Huwe, Rebecca Wilson, Tricia Knee and City Council Liaison Jillian Henze.
The 10 most recent ordinances and resolutions are available to you in PDF format below. If you need earlier ones, please contact City Hall.
1083 WMC Code Update C1 Zone
1086 WMC Code Update Cemeteries
1091 Short Term Rental Regulations
1092 2024 City Budget Amendment
1093 2025 City Budget Adoption
The 1998 City of Waitsburg Comprehensive Plan, as revised in 2006/2007, contains policies and recommendations to direct public and private decisions affecting future growth and development in the City of Waitsburg and the adjacent Urban Growth Area. This Plan was developed by the City in accordance with Section 36.70A.070 of the Growth Management Act (GMA). It represents the community's policy plan for growth over the next 20 years.
Because the town is interdependent with other communities, the long-term planning for the City needs to be adaptable to unexpected or rapid changes. Therefore, rather than simply prioritizing actions, this Plan assists in the management of the City by providing policies to guide decision making. The Plan includes specific elements pertaining to Historic Preservation, Housing, Land Use, Transportation, Utilities, Capital Facilities, Shoreline and Annexation.
Although Waitsburg has had City-wide zoning since 1947, the 1998 Plan was originally the City's first Comprehensive Plan. This revised Plan is based on the best available information at this time and is designed for a planning period of 20 years, with an annual review of the Six-year Capital Improvements Program and an overall review of the Plan every five years.
The purpose of a comprehensive plan is to translate community values into a framework for decisions on growth and community services. It expresses a long-range vision of how citizens want Waitsburg to look and function in the future. It also provides a strategy for achieving that vision.
Comprehensive Plan Documents
6-Year Street Improvement Plan
Comp Plan Amendment Application
Zone & Zoning Text Change Form
Determination of Non-Significance
2018 Update Draft Documents:
Comp Plan Maps - See Below
Old City Hall Information
147 Main Street, Waitsburg WA
Built around 1900 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is considered the cornerstone of the City’s Historic District. The Waitsburg First National Bank was one of only two banks in the Walla Walla Valley (Baker Boyer Bank was the other) that was not forced to close during the depression. City Hall was moved from Weller Library to this location in the early 1970s when a new bank branch was built across the street, and then again in November 2022 to its new home at 106 Main Street.
In 2018, the City worked with a structural engineer to identify and provide cost analysis for a variety of improvements to City Hall in order to make the building ADA compliant and more useful. Of the more than $1,000,000 in needed improvements identified, an ADA accessible ramp was needed to accommodate handicapped and elderly citizens wanting to access City Hall. Other improvements included:
Exterior brick repointing
An elevator for second story access to better utilize the upstairs for purposes beyond storage space, as well as for the creation of a formal City Council chambers
Upgrades to it heating system
New exterior windows
Roof replacement
The following links describe the conceptual plan and associated costs for the needed improvements to the former Waitsburg City Hall.
In 2020, Waitsburg City Hall was included on the Washington State Heritage Capital Projects Ranked Project list that went to the Washington State Legislature for consideration and approval. This grant program was to provide $66,000 of the estimated $200,000 necessary to complete design and engineering for needed improvements to City Hall.
An ADA assessment was done by the City’s Insurance company to determine access deficiencies for City Hall. The report can be accessed by opening the following link.
City Hall ADA Assessment Report Cover Sheet